LinuxIT Launches New Support Service for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

London, UK, 22nd May 2007 - LinuxIT today announced the launch of its new Support Service for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, completing the company's portfolio of support offerings specifically tailored to Linux operating systems RHEL, SuSE, Ubuntu and CentOS. Professional support offerings from LinuxIT have been developed in response to customers' demand where additional services are required above those offered by the vendor. The services include telephone, remote and on-site support as well as the management of vendor subscription and update services necessary to keep the systems at the latest patch level. LinuxIT's Red Hat Support Package comes with a free Software Asset Management service, whereby LinuxIT ensures cohesion between the software installed at an organisation and the agreed software license terms, as well as the organisation's actual requirements, based on existing assets and overall business plans.

This doesn't only guarantee license compliance, but also ensures that the organisation only pays for software and applications at a level it actually needs in order to fulfill its business aspirations. LinuxIT's Support Packages are designed for organisations that want a managed support relationship with an industry leading team. Flexible and comprehensive, the service provides backup to the IT professionals in those enterprises by managing their IT systems, installing and trouble-shooting Red Hat Enterprise Linux itself as well as the application stack around it. Peter Dawes-Huish, CEO at LinuxIT Europe, says: "Building on the success of Red Hat's Linux solutions, LinuxIT has developed the Support Package in response to significant demand for enterprise level, comprehensive support tailored around the vendor's operating system and the complete solution stack. Our service delivers on the potential of Red Hat, and is currently being used as a holistic support package by many major hardware manufacturers and system integrators across Europe. LinuxIT is committed to driving the adoption of Linux in the enterprise by delivering high-quality integrated support solutions based around the open source platform. ", LinuxIT Red Hat Support is available now. For detailed package information, please go to