Squish 3.3: Cross-technology support for automated GUI testing

froglogic GmbH has announced version 3.3 of Squish, a leading cross-platform automated GUI testing tool that supports a variety of user interface technologies including Trolltech's Qt toolkit, Java AWT/Swing/NetBeans, Java SWT/Eclipse RCP/JFaces, Web/HTML/AJAX and Mac OS X Carbon/Cocoa.

Squish is used in QA departments across the world by companies such as Reuters Financial Software, EADS, Siemens, Synopsys, Xilinx, Trolltech and France Telecom Group. The new version of Squish offers a versatile testing framework with a choice of popular test scripting languages (Python, JavaScript, Tcl and Perl) extended by test-specific functions, open interfaces, add-ons, integrations into test management systems, an IDE that supports the creation and debugging of tests and a set of command line tools facilitating fully automated test runs. The main new feature of version 3.3 is cross-technology support, enabling the testing of hybrid GUI applications. Other new features include dedicated support for interacting with Eclipse GEF elements (Squish for Java) and QGraphicsView items (Squish for Qt), support for testing Mac OS X Carbon/Cocoa GUI applications, support for testing Java applications started via Java Web Start, an integration into the Eclipse TPTP Framework and several improvements to enhance the tool's ease of use and test maintenance. Squish 3.3 is now available for customers and evaluators in their download area. If you are interested in Squish or would like to learn more about froglogic's service offerings please contact squish@froglogic.com or visit http://squish.froglogic.com.