Pioneer Explorer and Basic 3.2 released by Technology Alignment

Technology Alignment, a leading distributor and manufacturer of Linux, Linux Operating Systems, BSD Operating Systems, PBX Systems, SIP provisioning, Consumer VoIP, CRM applications and computer hardware, announced the availability of Pioneer Explorer and Basic 3.2, the latest version of its open source Linux operating system distributions. The company has introduced workstations, servers and laptops provided with the Pioneer 3.2 release.

A recent merger with Britt Systems provides workstations starting at only $299 and $499 for a laptop for the first 100 laptops sold as a promotion. The commercial versions have minor differences between the free version and use a different set of repositories when registered. Individuals may choose from either the free version, Pioneer Explorer, or a boxed set, Pioneer Basic, available from Technology Alignment partners in the US, Canada and New Zealand. Bryan Christensen, Lead Developer of Linux and BSD distributions stated; "We believe in continuing our deployments of Linux Operating Systems to consumers, business and the community; providing a stable computing environment. ", and "Removing much of the unnecessary bloat in Pioneer, we believe we've come up with a viable desktop".