TuxSoftware.com: A New Software Installation Site for Linux Users

TuxSoftware.com is a software installation site for Ubuntu, Debian, and derived distributions such as LinuxMint, gOS or DreamLinux. The site provides hundreds of the most popular Linux applications available for installation directly from your web browser with links, reviews, screen shots, and additional information for each. The goal is to provide one place where users can find, research, and install free software quickly and easily. The site has been designed to be secure and will not cause any package conflicts or problems. It pulls software primarily from your distribution's own default sources, with a few additional packages of popular applications made available from their own secure third-party repository. While similar sites take the warehouse approach attempting to provide every single package available for Linux, TuxSoftware.com aims to only provide the most popular, well documented applications and is committed to Free Software. The site and utility are both in beta development so not all features, options, or applications have been added as of yet. What has been implemented thus far is very functional and without any major bugs. Contributions are welcome and registered members may leave comments on applications, take part in forum discussions, and receive periodic dev updates through their mailing list.