10th International Free Software Forum (fisl10) Calls for Papers

The 10th International Free Software Forum (fisl10) is a major event in the open source community, with over 7,000 attendees and more than 400 talks given by developers and advocates.

It will be held from June 24th to 27th, 2009, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Proposals for papers are due on April 26th and must comply with one of the 14 different tracks. Last edition featured speakers such as Richard Stallman, Timoty Ney, Eric Raymond, Jon 'maddog' Hall, Georg Greve, Jim Gettys, Miguel de Icaza, David Axmark, Jim McQuillan, Simon Phipps, Martin Konold, Debian's Martin Michlmayr, and many more. The event also includes activities such as Programming Arena, Workshops, Keysigning Party, Free Software Related Shows. If you want to present a paper, hurry up! Proposals are due on April 26th.