Bordeaux for OpenSolaris 1.8.0 Released with Support for Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop

The Bordeaux Technology Group has released Bordeaux for OpenSolaris 1.8.0, which supports Microsoft Office 97, 2000, 2003, Visio 2003, Project 2003, Internet Explorer 6, Adobe Photoshop 6 and Adobe Photoshop 7. The software is a low cost add-on to the Free Software package known as Wine, enabling Unix users to run Windows applications on non-windows systems. This new version adds support for Office 2003 based applications, Adobe Photoshop, and Internet Explorer 6. Bordeaux for OpenSolaris is available for download with purchase at All purchases include 6 months of email support and the product is backed by a 30 day refund. The Bordeaux Group focuses on the development of Free Software solutions enabling legacy Windows applications to run on Linux, BSD and Solaris systems and other non-Windows operating systems.