Mozilla Corporation Donates $10,000 to GNOME Foundation for Accessibility Efforts

The GNOME Foundation has received a $10,000 donation from Mozilla Corporation to improve accessibility efforts for visually impaired users. The funds will be used to send GNOME developers to the 25th Annual International CSUN Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference and to continue collaborative efforts between GNOME and Mozilla on Accessibility. The donation continues a long partnership between the two organizations, which has resulted in major accessibility improvements for GNOME/Firefox. Sending GNOME developers to CSUN will help ensure that developers working on all areas of GNOME are well-educated on accessibility issues and continue to build accessibility features into GNOME rather than 'bolted-on' features. The GNOME Foundation is committed to open source, open standards, and open formats, and both organizations and their contributors contribute to numerous projects to ensure an open Web and open desktop platform for all users.