Project Eureka: Open 3D Engine Gains Traction as Engine of Choice for Next Generation

The Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) and the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) have announced a new academic collaboration that will give students access to the Open 3D Engine (O3DE), an open source engine for real-time 3D development. The collaboration, called Project Eureka, will allow students to build their portfolios while learning from industry experts and gaining hands-on experience with O3DE. The project aims to identify feature gaps in the engine, build a pipeline of talent for internships, mentorships, and employment, and foster adoption among the next generation of developers, artists, and content creators. The 2023 Project Eureka team includes students from various disciplines such as project management, level design, programming, 3D modeling, audio, and music. Work is underway now with a full summer of O3DE game development in store for the team. The proof of concept vertical slice with limited assets is due July 1, 2023, followed by alpha playable binaries throughout the summer and fall, and the final binary deliverable with all assets due December 31, 2023. Anyone can follow along to see Project Eureka's progress by subscribing to the O3DE newsletter and following the project on Twitter and LinkedIn, including an interview with the team on [insert date].