30 New Members Join Cloud Native Computing Foundation

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced that it has welcomed over 30 new members in the last three months, including BlackRock and Strava. This growth is a testament to the continued interest in cloud native technology across industries and regions. With over 160 projects under its umbrella, CNCF is committed to building sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software. The newest Silver Members include 6WIND, Backslash, BerryBytes, Binario Etico, BlakYaks, Cloud Ace, CloudGeometry, Cloudmate, CtrlStack, Facets, Hostersi, Kodem, Kubeark, Kusari, Operant, Opus Security, Pionative, Prodvana, Seal, SHE BASH LLC, SmartX, SQUER, TongTech, VictoriaMetrics, Wavecon, and Zenduty. The CNCF End User Community group regularly meets to share adoption best practices and feedback on project roadmaps and future projects for CNCF technical leaders to consider. Additional resources are available for more information about CNCF membership and end user supporters.