Cloud Native Computing Foundation Graduates CRI-O

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced the graduation of CRI-O, a container runtime that provides users with a simple, clear, and performant container manager for cloud native workloads. CRI-O was born in the Kubernetes incubator in 2016 and was accepted to CNCF in April 2019. Since then, it has been adopted by seven new organizations and has released 11 new minor versions, around 100 patch releases, and had more than 4,000 commits to the main branch. The project is well integrated with the cloud native ecosystem and has plans to improve upstream documentation, automate the release process, increase pod density on nodes, and more. CNCF's recent Cloud Native Survey found that Kubernetes has matured into a mainstream technology and more organizations are moving up the cloud native stack, leveraging technologies like Kubernetes APIs and interfaces. CRI-O saw a rise in production usage of 51% year over year. The project is supported by multiple end users and has been praised for its stability and reliability at scale.